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Question: How many mega pixels can a human posibly see!?
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Short answer, "Apples and oranges!."

What you're really asking is a concept called 'resolving power'!. For example, a 2-3 mp camera can take a picture, and you can only zoom in so far until it starts to become pixelated (turns into blocky shapes and the image isn't as clear)

a 100MP camera would allow you to zoom in much smaller, and allow you to see relatively small objects in much more detail!.

The human eye doesn't have a zoom capability, so although we have a much broader range of light sensitivity than a typical camera, you can't really compare megapixels to the human eye!.

Lenses, exposure sensitivity, even shutter speed you can compare with our peepers, but megapixels ya can't!.

Just for example -

for a 35mm camera, megapixels start to equal film resolution at about 12-18MP

for a 4x5 camera (also known as "medium format") MP starts to equal film at 30-50MP

Conceptually, to equal an 8x10 land camera, you'd need to be above 100MP to even BEGIN to come close to that level of resolution!.

Hope that helps!.!.!.


Infinite!. No matter how many you see, you can always view one more!. Of course, the finite nature of life, puts some constraints on this!.

How many megapixels are necessary to produce a good, crisp image, depends on many factors, one of the most important of which will be the size of the final image and how closely people will be viewing it!. Many argue that to achieve good, clean prints, an image should be at least 300 pixels/ inch!. (Personally, I've seen many at not much over 100 that look just fine)!.

So - a 10X10 inch print would require an image size of 3000X3000!. A 30X30 inch print would require a resolution of 9000X9000 pixels!. This is one of the reasons you don't see many photographic images taken by your typical digital SLR that are over 11X14 or maybe 16X20!.

Although it's not really a part of your question, what people often forget, is that resolution is only one component of image size and quality!. The sensor, the ISO used, the lens quality, proper exposure, post processing and other factors all affect the quality of the end image!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
