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Position:Home>Visual Arts> If I wanted to use my belly cast as a mold...?

Question: If I wanted to use my belly cast as a mold!.!.!.!?
what would i fill it with!? when i was in highschool my advanced art class did face casts and used them as clay molds but i remember it being very hard to keep the clay from cracking b\c of the deminsions of the mold!. anyone know what i could use that would show good smooth detail or if this is even a good idea!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is this stuff you can get at craft stores to make molds of your child's hands and or other body parts Like a pregnant belly!.
I did it when I was pregnant and it turned out beautiful!.
You have to first pit this warm plastic stuff on you first it only takes a few Min's for the mold to take shape!. the you use the plaster that comes with it and make your mold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

are there undercuts in your mold!?
Undercut: A portion of the part geometry that would prevent the part from being ejected from a straight-pull mold without a portion of the mold passing through (and destroying) the part!.)!.

As your body is soft it could have allowed for a certain amount of undercut, if you fill the mold it with any inflexible material like plaster, concrete or clay after it dried you won't be able to get it out without breaking the mold if you have undercuts!.

So you need to find this out first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com