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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much do those tubes of acrilic paints cost?

Question: How much do those tubes of acrilic paints cost!?
just wondering how much each tube costs approximately!.
i know they're kind of expensive!.
i'm painting my dad a picture for his 50th :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
may vary on brand names and quality, $6!.99 ~ $19!.99
check arts and craft stores like Micheal's,

there are craft paint of lower quality for around $2 ~$5,
check Walmart and craft stores and dollar stores,



Depends on the brand!. Liquitex BASICS are very cheap, like 5 bucks a tube, but the golden acrylics, depending on the color can range from 9-20 dollars!. Golden though is professional quality and I don't know if you need that!. also, on Sundays usually Micheals has a 40% off coupon in their ad for anything in the store, so you can get a set of maybe 6 Liquitex for 10 dollars with the coupon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com