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Question: Drawing!?!?!?!?
Hey I really want to start drawing but I dont know how! So!.!.!.!. If you could I want to start like copying but not like totally I will copy but also add some of my style and flare!. Could you find some pictures I could use!?
(such as!.!.!. Flowers, Cartoons, cool desings, ect!.)
Stuff thats easy for a 12 yr old!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
just start doodling and go with whatever comes to mind!. you'll be surprised with the outcome!. the main thing with any kind of art is don't be scared!. just go for it!!! who cares if it's not perfect!?!?!? sometimes things are better that way anyway!.

as for pictures,
go to google image search and type things in or photobucket is another good one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I PERSONALLY BELIEVE that drawing is a talent, not a skill!. But lots of times people have talents that are unlocked, which can be you!

Okay, so I am an artist/animator and I personally have a suggestion for getting great at drawing!.

You must figure out the perspective of many different things!. Look at a corner of your room where the ceiling and walls intersect!. Draw it and paste your drawing next to it!. Master all your room corners!. Then do objects in your room, and then try Anime characters, because you must release feeling into simple characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally don't believe you should start with anime first!. In my opinion, it's best to start with realistic anatomy first!. It's not the easiest thing ever, but that's what practicing is for!. The more you know about realistic anatomy, the easier it will be for you to develop your own style and understand how to stylize things!. And don't just look at photos, draw things from life, too!. Learn to do quick sketches of things around you!. Look up videos and draw from then!. Learn cultures, pay attention to colors!.!.!. So many things!.

Buy/borrow art books!. And reference books!. DK (Smithsonian) have wonderful little books on a variety of subjects!. Find things that inspire you to draw!. Learn some art history (I dreaded it when I was younger, but now I think it's rather cool)!. I could give you some book suggestions, but I'm not exactly sure what you're more into drawing (I draw more animals, myself!.!.!.)

I really wish I would've picked up on this when I was your age!. I've only really been doing it the past few months, and my art has gone from this http://hyourin!.deviantart!.com/art/Rubiin!.!.!. (March 07) to this http://hyourin!.deviantart!.com/art/Holste!.!.!. (May 08)

Oh, and Loomis has some great books, I think: http://fineart!.sk/index!.php!?cat=1

c: Never use your age as an excuse, either!. I've seen some crazy amazing artists that are around 13-14 years old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should check out www!.shutterstock!.com b/c they have really great artfull pics! they are a lot better than google pictures!. also flickr is a good sight to get pics off of!. so just search for whatever kind of pic you want, print it off and start drawing! be sure to use value (lightness and darkenss) to make your drawings look realistic or countour lines (tick lines around your subject) to make it look cartoony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

also would be good to have full set of drawing pencils and large sketchpad,

practice drawing freehand outdoors and interior with window lighting only,
