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Question: What does grainy picture mean!?
i was looking at a picture online said grainy atmospheric shot, what does grainy mean, will it be crap quality pictureWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course, real grain comes from the photosensitive crystals on film, but you can mimic it in Photoshop!. I'm showing you these demos just to answer your question about what grain looks like!. Sometimes it's good and intentional!. Sometimes it's not what you are looking for!.

Demo No 1
Click on "All sizes" and then "Original" until you can see a difference in each of the 20 different grain intensities!.

Demo No 2
Not excessive!. Probably considered desirable if you are trying to get a "vintage" effect!.

Demo No 3
This might be considered "over the top" by most, but it sure shows a grain effect!.

Some people also refer to digital noise as grain, although it really is a completely different thing!.

The blotches that you see on the flower petals and in the background here are digital noise and there are not many occasions where anyone would do this on purpose!.

The "grain" that you see here is really digital noise, but it's a MUCH better sensor so the image holds up okay in spite of there being almost zero light!. This digital noise looks a lot more like film grain than the previous example!.

Grainy means that the photos were either shot using high speed film or the print is an enlargement!.

In the digital arena, grain !.!. which is part of the film itself, is actually noise caused by the amplification of the light captured by the cameras sensor!.

Only you can tell if a "grainy" shot will look like c***, may great sports and news shots of the past decades are "grainy" and it is actually part of their appeal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it means the pictures maybe low quality or not shot in the best setting such as not the right light, right iso, etc graininess is referred to among photographers as "noise" i think

im not a pro and dont even have a camera at the moment but my dad moonlights as a photographer and im gettin into it thats a bit of what i know

hope i helped! =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Film was made up of tiny grains that puffed like puffed rice when exposed!. The higher the film speed, the more these grains showed up on prints!. It is considered a very desirable effect for documentaries and other moody pieces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

crappy, poor clarity, low resolutionWww@QuestionHome@Com

The picture isn't really crisp and clearWww@QuestionHome@Com