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Question: Photography - good quality!?
My mother is pursueing a business in jewellery!. She has her designs, and ive had a bit of trouble photographing them for her!. They need to be of great quality, to eventually end up in a catalogue!.
I've played around with lighting but its just not working!.
How do jewelers get their jewellery looking so fine and sparkley with a great finish!?

also, is there a program i can download to assist with my images!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You don't state whether it's rings, necklaces or bracelets that your mom is crafting but picking a simple yet interesting background to emphasize the item being photographed and the composition of the shot is first priority!. Second would be your lighting!. Third, make sure the jewelry is very clean!.

A lot of modern jewelers have gone with outdoor items for displaying their jewelry!. A tree branch or old stump, an old weathered door (with a knob) that has good coloring and textures, a plant that will support yet contrast against your jewelry piece, wet sand with a shell!.!.!.!.use anything interesting and creative that would add to the piece itself!.
The lighting should be as natural as possible!. Use soft light if outdoors!.!.!.!.!.brilliant high-noon sunlight will just blow-out the shot and create harsh shadows!.
Or you can invest in a light box for indoor "studio" shots!. It is made with a material that allows light in but diffuses it so you don't have harsh glares!. They usually come with two quality lights made specifically for that product that you can adjust and move around to your liking!. For "sparkly", trying using a low-exposure flash for a fill-in burst of light!.

Always remember to use a shallow dof!. You want all eyes on that piece of jewelry!.!.!.!.not what's off in the distance behind it!.

If you are computer literate and understand the techniques of photo-editing and layering, you can download Gimp!. It's a free program!. Or possibly buy a version of Adobe PhotoShop from your local store!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Visit your library and check out books on lighting!. There should be several that will help with jewelry!. You can also search on-line for tips on lighting jewelry!.

Jewelers have their catalog photography done by professional photographers!.

If your pictures are going in a catalog you may need to upgrade to a DSLR with a true macro lens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop should helpWww@QuestionHome@Com