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Question: Academic Requirements Of A Professional Animator!?
Hey all,

Some day I would love to become a preofessional animator, I am still in high school and plan to go to uni/ collage soon afterwards!. I am currently taking a TAFE course of Digital Motion Graphics, so I am sure this will help me!.

So what academic subjects do you think would help me along this path to my life-long dream!? I know art would be one (duh) and I have a high passion for it =]
Do I need to have high mathemtical marks for it!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Check out the Pixar Animation site:


Click on the career listings link to give you an idea of what THEY are looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is what Mike (2D animator pro) says about that:

" Timing! If you are in 2D classical, then timing is important!. You need to be able to figure out frame rate from minutes at either 12 or 24 frames per second, as well as syncing animation to sound!.

As well as setting frame rates for Keying animation during line tests!.

Math helps, but not really!. As long as you know how to use a calculator and a stop-watch, and you're half way there!. "

I hope it helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com