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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Majors: art history vs studio art?

Question: Majors: art history vs studio art!?
differences and similarities!?
i dont some are obvious but try to be specific please! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Art history majors usually end up doing curatorial work, historic preservation research, art education, or art publication!. A studio art major is a hands-on artistic major; studio means making of art, implying that all art work is made in a studio!. the term studio art is outdated, but it encompasses anything and everything hand-on like ceramics (pottery), glassblowing, sculpture, collage, woodwork, jewelry design, etc!. Basically anything besides graphic design and photography!. As an art history major, you won't be required to take even a small fraction of all of the art classes that a studio artist would!. You'd probably be required to take some beginning art classes like beginning drawing, beginning photo (maybe), and beginning design!. But the emphasis of art history will be research on art, and every aspect of it!. As a studio artist (as with all other artist majors,) you're goal in college is creating and graduating with an appealing portfolio with an array of work of different media!. (media: paint, photo, sculpture!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends what you want to do with it!.!.!.art history is for teaching and can help with other courses in art with style etc!. studio art is painting, sculpture, ceramics, drawing, photo & more!. a more well-rounded fine arts education usually with a specialty area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

keep in mind that just because you have a major in art history doesn't make you an artist whatsoever!. so if you want to be taken seriously as an artist studio art is the way to goWww@QuestionHome@Com