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Position:Home>Visual Arts> In art why do we use landscape or portrait?

Question: In art why do we use landscape or portrait!?
The other day my drawing teacher asked the class , when opening any art program on the pc that why do we have landcape or portrait and that why are things rectangle!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Artwork is considered more pleasing to the eye if it is in a rectagular format!. I think it was the ancient Greeks that actually worked out a mathmatical formula for the perfect ratio of that rectangle, and artists have found out, through the centuries, that that ratio does work!.

As far as landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical), it depends on the subject!. Since portraits of people are rarely done of a subject laying down, "portrait" orientation means upright!. And, since most landscapes are viewed along some kind of "horizon," a horizontal orientation means "landscape!."

Of course, while those two directions are the default choices of most computer software, the designer is still given the option of selecting any canvas size and shape desired!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A single portrait was traditionally done in the upright format, hence 'portrait' for a piece of paper or canvas!. Landscapes were arranged the other way, wider rather than taller, hence 'landscape'!. Of course, in art a picture can also be square or round, or any shape you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in real life, most canvasses are rectanglesWww@QuestionHome@Com