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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are there any fellow Trekkers out here tonight?I need some help.?

Question: Are there any fellow Trekkers out here tonight!?I need some help!.!?
Which plates are the most valuable right now!.And I have heard they are worth more if they are signed!.But that is by the actor not the artist right!?I am trying to sell some plates to some one and I have a lot,and am starting to get confused on prices!.And I have a plate that they forgot to number,is that worth anything!?Thanx for your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The plate without the number probably has no collector's value, since it is the number that determines where, in the limited set of plates, each one stands!.

The autographed plates, if the signature can be authenticated, will have considerable more value, but, the exact worth depends on who manufactured the plates, in the first plate!. A plate from a set of 50 thousand will have a LOT less value than a limited edition set of only a couple of hundred!.

Even "certificates of authenticity" are meaningless if their provenence cannot be proven!. I can whip up a couple of dozen "Certificates of Authenticity" on my home computer in a few minutes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i used to be a trekkie, had a cat named "Spock" because he had no sense of humor!.!.!.
presently have a cat named "T'Pring" because that was her name when i adopted her from another trekkie who couldn't keep her as he was moving out of state!.
ones signed by the whole crew would be worth more, i would thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

HUGE 'Trekker" or even "Trekkie" here, call me either, I don't care!

Anywho, sorry I don't have the answer to your question just thought I'd show some support for a fellow Trekker!

Maybe check ebay for similarly selling items!. Hope that helps a little!Www@QuestionHome@Com