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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are watered down acrilic craft paints safe to use in an airbrush?

Question: Are watered down acrilic craft paints safe to use in an airbrush!?
im lerning how to airbrush and need to know what other paints are safe to useWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Almost any colored medium is able to flow thru an airbrush!.When using heavier pigmented paints such as acrylic,thin it out,then filter it thru a tight woven cloth to keep large undissolved paint out of your airbrush!.I use baby food jars to keep mixes such as this in!.Other paints are Dr!.Martins liquid inks,they come in both transparent and opaque colors!.There are several other paints you can use,it depends on your preference!.A good source to find paint and what they do,is any on line art supply house!.Don't forget to clean your air brush,every time you change colors or you get mixed colors,which in it's self isn't a bad thing if that's what you intended,but can cost you time otherwise!.I hope this gave you the info you needed!.Great luck,and much success with your airbrushing!Www@QuestionHome@Com