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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you become a good painter without attending THE SCHOOL OF ARTS?

Question: Can you become a good painter without attending THE SCHOOL OF ARTS!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The answer is yes-
Great painting requires two core elements which no one can teach you-
One- Foresight through memory
Two- Catching strong feelings

These two natural skills are essential and serve as the foundation of any great paintings that have lasted through hundreds of years-

They last so long as great because the piece is vivid and memorable (first to the artist) and then to the audience-
The art then simply becomes a memorable source of feeling to the artist and the audience-

People are drawn to repeating their strong feelings-
If you can trigger the strong feelings (via the mind) then your art will always carry a certain 'addiction' quality-

The painting must be potent- If you are not potent then your painting will followWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Art schools can teach you fundamentals, but you can also end up painting like the instructors because that is what you have been exposed to!. This is not always the best way to learn!.

If you love art and creating, then paint! Get books and videos, attend classes at your local art school or gallery, but most of all paint!. Copy well known paintings to see if you can create the same effects!. Make lots of mistakes, and learn something from every one of them!

Think of it!.!.!. if it takes four years to attend a formal art school, than what could you accomplish by painting full time in four years!?

If you are a painter, you will actually be "in school" for the rest of your life!. Artists are always learning and striving to be better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! Absolutely yes!. I was once given advice by a well known portrait artist Simmie Knox to - "practice, practice, practice!." I had asked him about becoming a better painter!.

I also heard from another artist who said to paint/create 300 drawings/painting and then see where you're at!.

You can do this on your own!.


Of course one can be a good painter without attending any schooling!. One should have the innate knowledege or that so-called God-Gifted intelligence!. (See another answer to your question on being a painter)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, you could be a GOOD painter!. but if you attend a school of arts, it'll help improve your talent so that you could be a BETTER painter!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com