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Position:Home>Visual Arts> PURPOSE of VECTOR ART?

What's the purpose of vector art!? I have a graphics application course this fall coming up and I thought it'd be interesting to take!. It's an introductory course!. The description says that we will use Adobe illustrator, Adobe photoshop and QuarkXpress!. Are these considered "desktop publishing" software programs!? also, do you have to know how to draw to do vector art!? It looks really interesting!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Vector art is great for projects where you'll need something that won't lose detail and resolution when you enlarge it!. Vector art is resolution-independent -- you can take a vector file and blow it up as big as you want and NOT lose one ounce of detail!.
All of those application are desk top publishing and also graphic arts programs!.
You don't need to know how to draw -- and once you get the hang of using the pen tool in Illustrator, you can recreate just about anything!. I redraw logos and illustrations at work all the time simply by tracing over a scan of the original!.
Vector art can include screensWww@QuestionHome@Com