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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Who are your favorite artists? Why?

Question: Who are your favorite artists!? Why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Rembrandt- Check out his painting called The Prodigal and you will know why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Winslow Homer! He rocks the world of watercolor!.!.!. but I find it interesting that he still viewed watercolor as secondary to oil!. I love watercolorists!
Scott Zupanc is a very interesting artist who's still alive and kicking today!. His work gets in my mind and stays there! I definitely recommend studying the work of both these artists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Leonarde Da Vinci - great technique

Salvador Dali - probably the best artist of the 20th century and made incredibly beautiful (and HUGE) religious paintings before he became fmous for his surreal things!.

Monet - for his waterlilies

Van Gogh - for the Sunflowers

Turner - for his seascapes and sunsets

Van Eyck - for his landscapes

Its rather like saying - what was the best breath you ever took!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine is Georgia O'Keeffe!. I just love her style and think she was ahead of her time!Www@QuestionHome@Com