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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photographers. I want to get into professional photography. Can anyone recommend

Question: Photographers!. I want to get into professional photography!. Can anyone recommend a good beginners camera!?
And can can i take print quality photos with that camera!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The camera recommendations are good but remember,
it is not the camera that MAKES the picture, it is the PHOTOGRAPHER! You can take print quality photos with an old Brownie Box camera if you developed your eye!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Professional photography means that you would like to get paid for your photography!. If you are asking about upgrading to a digital SLR then you should look at the following cameras!.
Canon Rebel XT, XTi, or XSi
Nikon D40, D40x, or D60

Go to a good camera store and play around with them!. The one that fits your hands and your budget will be the one for you!. The cameras I listed range in price from $500-$1,000 with a lens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you will need more than just a camera, how about taking some classes at your local community college, and joining a photog group or camera club!.
there is way more to making images that are saleable than just snapping a picture with a camera, even a high quality camera!. one must understand lighting and composition and that is just a beginning!.!.!. a few classes in art wouldn't hurt either!.
everyone i hang out with in the art/photography world take an occasional class even the best of them do this!.!.!.even the ones that teach do it!.
and don't expect to have great images right out of the chute with your new camera!. it takes practice practice practice!.
and grow a thick skin because critiques are a part of that world and they can be brutal!. learn to take them and learn from them!.
i use an olympus e-500 came with two lenses in the kit and i bought a rather pricey tripod which i use!. i am a member of the lawrence photo aliance and i ask questions at the meeting and of other members!. i am a part of some online art and photog groups, and i pay attention to the other members input and am not afraid to ask questions there, either!. i've been calling photography a hobby for 50 years, and i am just now starting to learn something (it feels like) it would take several lifetimes to learn all about photography !.
or maybe i just have rocks in my head and am a slow learner!.
but the really successful photographers i know have gone to school for it, have atleast an associates in fine art (or some such degree) and / or business degree!.
study study study, practice practice practice!.
no one is just born to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Instead of going out and buying an expensive camera, I would also suggest you take a few photography classes to learn the fundamentals!. Otherwise, you'll have a good camera, but be disappointed with the results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sony A300 or A350
Pentax K200D or K20D

Just tossing out some excellent cameras that, IMO, are too often overlooked!.

Check the reviews at http://www!.digitalcameraguide!.com or http://www!.dpreview!.com or http://www!. or http://www!.popphoto!.com - or at all 3!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my dad is a photographer and he uses cannon d80 , i think that's a good camera because i always use it, i wanna be a photographer as my side jobWww@QuestionHome@Com

I guarantee you, that if you take a photograph with this camera, it will be published!.!.!.


Cannon PowerShot SX100!.
I like it because it was a decent camera at a decent price!Www@QuestionHome@Com