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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I become a better anime/manga artist?

Question: How can I become a better anime/manga artist!?
I wanna become as good a manga artist as Takeshi obata (death note) or Maki Murakami (Gravitation)

I've been practicing for three years on just this drawing type!. and i've been drawing anime people I wouldn't normally draw!.!.!.like kagome (ugh)

I think i lack structure!.!.!.like how to get a normal character design for my own characters or for fan art!. Plus I have trouble with drawing hands!.

What are some ways that I can better this problem!? or a website that can help me!?

I'm sorry I can't show you my current level, my scanner is busted and I can't upload anything newWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hello, I draw anime a lot in college and have the same problem as you do with the hands!. but I think life drawing helps a lot, drawing from real life models, or if you dont have them classes, then it allways helps to look in the mirror or photograph the stance you want your character to look!. Try coming up with your own style, or even using Photoshop to colour them in as thats what lots of anime artists do and its really effective, the end result is simply amazing! Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

One word!.!.!.practice, practice, practice!. Getting some books or instruction on figure drawing would help!.!.!.especially things dealing with proportion and the like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

practice is the key!.Www@QuestionHome@Com