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Question: How to draw people!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
is there an easy way to draw good pics of people!?!?!?!?

i know it takes skill, but my people always come out kind of messed up!.

tips!? tricks!? easier ways!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love drawing and painting people!. Proportion is key, as with anything you illustrate!. Firstly I would head down to the local bookstores and search out some how to draw people books, there are a lot to choose from and can be very specific!. Some focus on only the face, some are exclusive to caricatures, athletes and such!. A title you may find useful is the Human Anatomy for ARtists, I have 2 different copies, one more artistic the other very scientific!. If at all possible, see about taking a life drawing class at the local community center or college!. Draw friends, family or quick sketch people around you, also practice looking at people in pictures and draw them!.!.!.!.!.

here are some hints on the face!. The nose, forehead and chin are all the same length, breaking the face into thirds!. The space between the eyes is exactly the width of one eye!. The edge of the mouth usually ends up to align with the center of the eye!. The eyes are on a level where the ear comes out of the head, not the top arc of the ear!.!.!.!.!.the shoulders and hips are the same width but there are differences in male and female and with the way a body puts on weight, but anatomically they are the same width, the arms end at about mid thigh, the lenght of the arm is the same as the length when a person stands feet wide apart, the span of the arms held out is the same as the height!.!.!.!.!.so many tips, the biggest is practice daily!. Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

First, you have to think of the body as being interconnected ovals!. Try this: don't go into great detail yet!. that will come later!. Lightly draw an elongated oval!. This will be the bicep part of the arm!. Then draw a slightly thinner oval that over laps the first oval you drew!. You should now have something that sort of looks like two unstreched rubberbands - no!?
Draw a circle after the last thinner oval you just sketched!. That will be the hand!. All of this should be done very lightly!. No really dark marks on your drawing surface!. Now connect everything by drawing where you think the skin would be on the muscles you just drew!. The main part of the body is a little different!. As men and women differ in anatomy, you should render accordingly!. Men have slender hips while women have wider hips!. Men have broader sholders than women and so on!.!.!.The upper body is a "smushed" sidways oval - bigger in men slightly smaller in women!. Lightly draw a smushed oval that is more like a cirlce where you feel the upper arm would go!. Once again, all of this should be done lightly touching the pencil to you drawing surface!. Then draw a small sideways oval where the neck would be!. You could elongate the oval to make a slender neck or shorten to make more of stocky type of neck!. Now draw an oval approximating the size of the head you feel your subject should have!. Connect the upper body with the arms, chest, neck, and head of your subject by lightly drawing where you think the skin would be!. I hope you can take it from there!. Best of luck!. Oh, BTW the pelvis is a small sidways oval and the legs are elongated ovals!. Do each muscle group one at a time!. Don't forget the knee caps!. They are circular in nature!. The feet are a little tricky but just remember the ovals!. At some point you may want to study your hand!. Look at how each finger is separated!. Each part of the finger is an oval!. look at how the muscles in your hand operate!. Your plam is kind of like a circle with the fingers radiating from the top and the thumb off to the side!. Draw the ovals and connect them with where you think the skin would cover the muscles!. I hope that helped!. Again - best of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buy the Marvel comics book on how to draw,its an exellent book on how to draw people,using various presepectives including,buildings,interiors,amle and female figures!.

It has everything for your needs,you"ll find it on Amazon!.com!.
Its principals are simple and scaled down from complex anatomical drawing,that takes years to master!. If you do the exercises you"ll do the pictures in a day to a week,pending on your enthusiasm !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I am not so sure i can give you quite the explaination you were looking for, but, when it comes to bodies, i VERY LIGHTLY sketch the shape, size ect!.!.!.!. when i start to like the look of it, i make it darker!. I dont really have rules like these other people, i just eye-ball it, and it works for me! just get the right look of the body, then the general outline, then detail, then fine detail!. As for faces, I really have no way to descibe my method!.!.!.!.its very hard to explain! just, make sure you dont use alot of line! A rule of mine with drawing, its hard to fallow, but i do try, dont see whatever you are drawing as seperation of colors and shades by borders, but only see value, darks and lights, shadows, shading!. Just focus on the lighting, where you see a dark spoy, color that spot, if its light, do it gently! Then later, you will add in line to give it shape, and form, then later you may add color!. ect!.!.!.!. just remember the elements of art! ok!. and remember, the darkness of a border/line depends on contrast of the seperation of value, and color and depth between the 2 objects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my people always are a little bit out of proportion but thats ok!.!. the answer above me is great and i have nothing like that!. but practice on anyone!. children are always great subjects and the will build your skill immensly!. and play around with different mediums!.!. you may find one is easier to use that the other!. all i have to say is practice practice practice!. =]


its all about scales and propotions

try using grids as guides and focus on capturing the GESTURES, or movement, of the figure, and leaving the details for later!. The art of learning gesture is deceptively easy, yet at the same time fun!. With practice and hard work every day, you can leave your fellow drawing peers in the crapper!.

1!. It helps to have a model to look at!. If you can’t afford to hire your significant other/average crack **** off the street for a few poses, just get a book on nudes, or look in the newspaper at regular people, like in the “Metro” section or something similar!. Nudes are preferable because they give you detailed anatomy, but regular newspaper photos are also fine because they give you candid gestures to study!.

2!. First, practice drawing circles, among the most basic of drawing tools!. The circle is the basic shape for drawing heads (copy the heads in you photos), and will give you a tool to use for drawing the rib cage, the shoulders, or any other part of the body that is the least bit spherical!. For the head, it is useful to make a point somewhere on the “top” of the circle to indicate the top of the head!. The circles don't have to be perfect!. Just keep drawing them!.

3!. Practice drawing lines!. Not straight lines, but one extending from the circle, and downwards as a curve!. Think of an “s” shape!. Then, combine this article's step 1 with step 2 (looking at the model/picture you have, of course) and draw this curved “s” line descending from the head!. Here, you are drawing the neck/spine, an essential part of getting the motion down!. As you draw the line with the edge of your lead, picture a “pulling” motion in your drawing hand and between your index finger and thumb, as though you are pulling a piece of thread out of clothing!. “Feel the pull” and analyze; remember you are capturing the GESTURE of the piece, and you can work on detail and anatomy and shading later!. Keep it simple!.

4!. Finishing up the downward movement of the spine, draw the legs using the same fluid, pulling-on-string-type gesture!. The legs don’t necessarily have to be connected to the spine; you can simply pick up the pencil briefly and draw the legs, one after the other!.

5!. Lastly, draw the arms!. Move the edge of the pencil upwards from the legs, then extending outwards in whatever motion they may be extended!. Look at the model (yeah, I don’t shut up about that): are they throwing something!? Dancing!? Snorting lines!? Capture the action and the fluidity of the motion!.

6!. NOW you can start adding detail, and more tricks to your repertoire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com