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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Please help with my interview!!!asap best answers 10 pts?

Question: Please help with my interview!!!asap best answers 10 pts!?
Please answer these qustion!.!.i have a interview fo a arts school and i have no idea what to say but the question are!.!.!.

why is art important to you!?
why should we pick you!?

yeah i know i sould do this myself BUT PLEASE helppp!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're going to an art school you should be able to do the first one easily!. Art comes in many different forms, its not just pencil and paper, its not just a paint brush and canvas, it is a way of life!. Art expresses who you are as a person, Its in the music you listen to, the clothes you wear!. Art is being unique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should know why art is important to you you have taken an interest to study it you want to realise your potential as an artist, show them some of your artwork, they should pick you as you are willing to work hard at your studies,show how talented you are!. It is very competative and Art Schools are very choosy, so get some confidence and get on with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your answers need to come from your heart or they're not genuine!. I know that's not what you want to hear, but strangers on the internet can't tell you why art is important to you or why they should pick you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com