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Question: Beginner!.!.!.what do you think!?
Hi everyone!. Ok well I just recently started getting into photography and I've just been playing around with some stuff
Can you guys tell me what you think of my photo's

Remember I am like really new to this but I'm having so much fun
Any critiques would be appreciated :)





Ok those are my photos
What do you guys think!?

Oh and my camera is basically just a pink poloroid digital camera
But I'm thinking about getting a really nice one
Any suggestions!?

Thanks guys!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you did an excellent job on all of them but the first one!. It was kind of blinding, and i didnt know what it was supposed to be of!.

The second one was good!.

The third one was my favorite!. It did look very inviting!. I like how you made it black and white with just the hamock as green!. Good choice!. The only thing you might want to do is move the chairs in the back of the picture, there're a little distracting!.

The third one, it was good, i liked it better than the second one!.

I think you have the same camera as me too!. I have a small pink digital polaroid i733!.

Edit: im glad your enjoying it!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Glad you are having fun, your hobby should bring you enjoyment (otherwise why bother!?)

The selective color hammock is my favorite, but the selective color was sloppily done!. It is impossible to tell anything much about the other three, except the composition could use some pizazz and perhaps some more interesting subject matter!. Just remember that doing a lot of Photoshop effects does not turn a mediocre snapshot into a work of art!. So boosting the saturation and contrast might not be the best treatment!. If you like it, great!. After all, unless you are a pro you can shoot to please yourself!.

I would suggest a book or class on beginning photography!. Learn some technical and artistic stuff, keep practicing and have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good job!. I think you should try some different angles -- don't just stand there!. Climb on top of something, sit down, etc!. also, I think when you're first starting, it's a good idea not to count on color to draw your eye to the subject!. You need to figure out how to do it just with plain photography first (whether color or black & white) -- pick a subject for each photograph!. Once you get good at making the object stand out just by the way you photograph it, then go ahead and mess with the colors to make it stand out even more, because then it will REALLY pop! It took me a while to notice the red mailbox in that last one!.
Try googling something like "rules of photography" and you might get some helpful tips!.
I think you're doing a really good job though, especially for having just a basic digital camera!. If you're thinking about a really nice one, try looking at Canon Rebel models!. Nikon also makes good digital SLRs (SLR = single lens reflex)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, but I see nothing good or anything that showed very much thought!. If you like photography, keep shooting all you like!. The more you shoot, the more you'll figure out on your own what a good photo is!. Pick up some photo mags and join flickr!. Please don't waste your money on a new camera though!. A camera is only as good as the photographer using it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your pics are really good! I used to be really into photography, and have been thinking about getting back into it!. I think you've inspired me to do so!.

I really like the hammock picture!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good job!. I loved the hammock!. It looked so inviting!. Green is my favorite color & you did an excellent job with the color contrasting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i see some real talent here , try a nikon d-40 if you are interested in upgrading camera wise, also check out PPOA (Professional Photographers of America)!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

awesome job!.!.!.my favorite one was the last one it looked so pretty!.!.!.i love the snowWww@QuestionHome@Com