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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Any Artists out there? What tattoo would look good to cover my "J"?

Question: Any Artists out there!? What tattoo would look good to cover my "J"!?
I have a letter "J" on my breast the size of a dime!. What kind of design/tattoo can I get to cover it!? I want something small!. A Heart is out because my artist told me that I need something with more detail in order to do the cover up!. Open to your suggestions!. Be serious!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Have it removed/erased!.
As you can see, tattoos last longer then the reason you got one!. It's a trend, don't be a sucker for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seriously!? How can I even begin to answer this question!? You and I have different concepts of taste and beauty which reflect our environment, society and cultures!.

Why don't you go and look at the tattoos of other people of your own age group and get a feel for what you like and would find acceptable - you are the one who will be wearing the tattoo, not me!.

If you want to cover it, the next tattoo will have to be slightly bigger and designed to incorporate the earlier work!. If I was being flippant, I could say have the word "mum" put on your breast or perhaps an anchor - these are both tactics adopted by seamen to maintain to their wives that they had been faithful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

since you dont want the "j" anymore im guessing its probably because it lost its meaning!. what it once meant to you or the reason you even got that tattoo is gone so i'd say get something that represents renewal/change!. a water bird symbolizes renewal of life!.


get something meaningful!. look up symbols online for goodluck, strength,happiness, anything!. and then go from there!. hell if you need something designed and you dont want to do it yourself i'll do it for you or at least give you an idea!. find out what basic meaning you want first!. ask your tattooist to design something based on that ideaWww@QuestionHome@Com

How about a flower like a tiger lilly or a rose!? If that's not your thing maybe a butterfly or a dragon fly!? Sorry if those aren't very original!. I'm just trying to think of stuff that's small and detailed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can turn the "J" into a GUN!.!.!.
or you can make it an Umbrella!.!.
or even make a free hand design starting from that letter "J"Www@QuestionHome@Com

A rose perhaps your sun sign!? A 'J' could be made into part of a vine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"I hate J"Www@QuestionHome@Com