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Question: Photography!.!?
i love photography and love taking pictures, i would like to become a professional photographer, i am 14, is there any photography schools or classes that would accept a 14 year old!? if so where!? and how much would it cost!?

websites would be nice too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Watch out for competitions!. usually you can locate these on the internet with kodak, and other camera brands too, pluck up couirage and send in a fantastic sunset or an unusual sunrise to your morning paper with an explanation as to where it was taken and the temperature at the time, include your name address and etc, do this regularly!.!.!.and please, do not expect any money for it, at least not at this stage! The fact of having a great photograph printed in the paper and your name included!.!.!.!.you never know what might be "around the corner"!. And perhaps by allowing some time to pass until you make a name for yourself there, then I would submit photos, and REALLY EXCELLENT quality, of perhaps a people one take at a specail event and do a write up on it for the readers to read!. There are courses!.!.!.!.short ones, to cover photography and writing!.!.!.!.!.!.!.such as, www!.sydneywriterscentre!.com!.auWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would suggest that you hunt the web via a search engine!.
Basic DSLR techniques Dyxxum
Basic macro photography Tutorial!.
Morguefile photography tutorial!.
Strobist (Flickr site for Flash information)
are just a few of the sites you can find that will give you free advice, tutorials, and basic information!.
Although the Dyxxum site is one for Konica/Minolta and Sony it will still give you the basics for all DSLRs!.
You can find others that will have info on whatever camera you yourself use!.
Start here rather than joining a class or postal site where you will be expected to pay through the nose, and get the basics under way!.
You are wanting to enter a world of hard work and effort!. Study the work of the ‘top dogs’ and through that develop your own style!.
Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

visit this website!.!.!.