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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How Do You Make Money Selling Photos Online?

Question: How Do You Make Money Selling Photos Online!?
Curious about current-day options to make money selling photos!. I'm sure there are ways people are using the Internet to explore and extent their visual talents!. Maybe not as a full-time thing, at least a part-time income source to start with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is how selling photos online works, in a nutshell:

1) Sites like MorePhotos and DigicamCash let you create your own online portfolio with a navigable and flexible interface!. They offer (or point to) dedicated hosting servers where you can upload, add and customize the photos you want to sell!.

2) You're given a unique web address to draw visitors to your photo site and functions to buy any of your listed photos -- sort of like a person visiting an art gallery and buying any of the artworks displayed!.

3) The money you earn is deposited into your PayPal account either as a one-time payment for purchase, or a continuous monthly royalty each time someone downloads your photograph!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


There are websites that you can download your photos to thier website where viewers can purchase copies of your pics!. They pay a fee per download and you receive a royalty per download!. Check out the following sites for more info!.



You would be surprised if I tell you, there is no need to pay anything upfront to make money online!. Online activities are no longer just for fun!. Online presents a great opportunity to make money!. There are programs that require initial investment and programs that require no fees or investment to join!. There are scams and real opportunities!. Scams in general targets people, who like to make money quick!. greedy<!--people who like to make money and become rich overnight fall prey to the scams!. There are researches reports us that most of the money making programs online are scams!. In order to counter the scams, we have to be sure about the potential and the track reports of the programs we join!.


A simple way shall be to avoid all those programs that offer to make you rich!. Join only free to join programs to make money!. There are many ways to make money online, some legal and some illegal!. There are many legal ways, so why not have peace of mind and good conscience and earn good money online legally!? Here are some very good ideas on how to make money online legally and efficiently-->and you can have a look at the various options available and choose one good approach for yourself, and give it a try, as it might work for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com