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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I am so friggin stuck! HELP!?

Question: I am so friggin stuck! HELP!!?
I am visiting the AGO library by appointment tomorrow and it was quite difficult getting an appointment, so i don't want to waste anytime!. I am doing a research paper on the Group of Seven, though the guy responded that they will have the microfilms (of the newspaper articles!? OF WHAT!?) ready for my 'consultation' (OMG! I feel so significant! The guy still thinks I am university student! LOL!)!.

What the heck am I supposed to do with microfilms!? How do I use them!? Can I make bigger photocopies of them!?

I know what microfilms are, but what the heck are they in this context!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Microfilms require micro film/ micro fiche viewer at library,

if you had any old super8 film viewer or magnifying device at home, you might be able to view detail (not really), but library is best bet, the whole paper is shrunk to one small square,

all old newspaper data are scanned on large machines and converted to very small film, like spy agent small, old technique for old files,

so depending on origin of files put on film, there may be articles about group of seven, and their art, possibly not found elsewhere,


Librarians are usually delighted to help, so don't be afraid to ask!.

The first thing is to get them to show you how to use the microfiche viewer!. It isn't difficult!. Then they will be able -- and happy-- to help you make copies!. Do not be intimidated, librarians are trained and paid to help the public!Www@QuestionHome@Com