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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you suggest some good books on drawing?

Question: Can you suggest some good books on drawing!?
I use to draw all the time: portraits, still life, the human body, flowers and even a little anime!. But life happened, so I haven't had as much time to dedicate to my art !. Can you suggest some good sites or books on any of the aforementioned subjects!.

Thanks a BUNCH :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For theory and practice, Betty Edwards, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and Kimon Nicolaides the Natural Way to Draw!. There seems to be an ideological split between users of those books as there is among engineers among users of vi and emacs (I'm vi and Nicolaides) but neither argument makes much sense!. Read them both!.

For anatomy try J!. Barczay's book!. I think it's Jeno Barczay and the book is Art Anatomy or Human Anatomy or something like that!. I used to joke it was one of those books the figure drawing police would drag you away if you showed up in a life drawing class without -- but someone took me seriously!.
EDIT: I just found it!. It is Anatomy for the Artist by Jeno Barcsay, as you will see here:


George Bridgeman: Constructive Anatomy and the Book of A Hundred Hands!. Dover Books published them aeons ago and have kept them in print because they are just EXCELLENT!. And Dover is a house that charges you as little as they can afford to for their treasures!.

For just about everything else the title is descriptive but read it anyhow: How to Draw Comics The Marvel Way by John Buscema!. He was talking about the marvel house style which they don't do anymore but he approached it from a good academic drawing background and he has LOTS of pointers on things like perspective, composition and lighting which you will find useful if you don't want to draw the Marvel Way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a book called the figure artists sketchbook!. Its amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com