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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Looking for a photo of a firework on a WHITE background...impossible i think!?

Question: Looking for a photo of a firework on a WHITE background!.!.!.impossible i think!!?
Hey all you photographers out there!.!.!.i have been cruising on flikr for about 30mins now!.!.!.tried things like "firework white background" and stuff!.!.!.so i thought i would try to see if anyone on Y! has any brilliant ideas!. I do not have photoshop at work, so i cant do that!.

i know it will be wicked hard to get this photo, cause i mean, who takes pics of fireworks on white backings!.!.!.!.but anyways, thought i would try!.!.!.someone found me a pic on here last time i was looking for one!

So send any link if you know of any!.!.!.i want it to be like a REAL or atleast well designed animation still of a firework going off one of the big explody ones :)



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I recently learned that fireworks photos inverted look really cool (instead of hot), thanks to an article on jpg magazine


Hmmm i tried and couldn't find anything for you!. I think you're better off editing a night shot of some fireworks!.

The problem is nobody shoots fireworks during the daytime, you would loose too much detail!. And i'm afraid it's going to look kinda fudged when you remove the black background!.

Sorry PaulWww@QuestionHome@Com


This one is a program to take away a black background
