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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think of these photos i took? Constructive critism please?

Question: What do you think of these photos i took!? Constructive critism please!?
I think that i have been improving at photography :)1!.http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/24049930@N0!.!.!.
2!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/24049930@N0!.!.!.
3!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/24049930@N0!.!.!.

and on these next ones could you let me know which one you like better!. I cant decide which one i want to use for school!.
4!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/24049930@N0!.!.!.
5!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/24049930@N0!.!.!.
6!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/24049930@N0!.!.!.

we had to take a picture of jewelryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Picture #1: I do like the way you've edited the color and contrast!. Your edit has made it a stronger picture!. However, I wonder why you haven't experimented with cropping it in different ways to see if you can get a stronger or more revelatory image from it!. As it stands now, I don't feel as if I'm seeing anything in particular about the leaves and raindrops!. The photographer hasn't shown me anything that I didn't already know!.

Picture #2: This is far too standard a picture!. If it were cropped differently, if it had been composed differently, maybe with the emphasis being on the "tear duct half" of the eye and the skin texture just below that!.!.!.!. The image is much too flat in terms of lighting and too bland in composition!. I can completely understand if it's a technical exercise (and you're still so young!), but, again, I don't see that the photographer has an eye yet!.

Picture #3: This is another one that doesn't show me that the photographer has an eye!. The shot is blandly composed, with the wheel in virtually the dead center of the picture and the greenery around it too much in equal proportion as a frame!. You've captured the texture of the wheel quite well from the distance you were shooting, but, again, the picture has more of the feel of a tourist photo, of "someone just told me this is a thousand years old so I'm going to snap it quick!." Some experimentation with cropping would probably help this photo and really direct the reader's eye to some sort of vision the photographer has!.

Your jewelry pieces are where things get much more interesting!. Even if they don't quite succeed on the technical level, these show much better composition and verve!. I see the beginnings of a real photographer's eye here, and in #5 and #6 (esp!. #5) something even more than the beginnings!.

As you've already heard, #6 doesn't excite people because of its blurriness!. Maybe that's what you intended, but maybe not!. If you intended it, I think your intention would have been clearer to the viewer if you'd gone for even LESS focus!. So I think you were probably going for an interesting idea here but you let your fear about your inexperience get in the way!. I urge you to do more experimenting and try more extremes, I guess as long as you feel you can get away with them---or justify doing them---in your assignments!.

But #6 does show a stronger eye in the way it's composed because of the placement of the necklace with the field and the contrast given with the light and dark areas of the wood!. It might even have been stronger if the necklace itself had been spread out in its space like a net, but who knows!?

I think #5 is where a budding brilliance begins to show itself!. It is really a very good photograph!. The contrast, proportion, angling, etc!. of the light and dark swathes of wood are wonderful, esp!. since you've succeeded so well in really showing the texture of the light area and the grain of the dark area!. It's gorgeous, warm, and real in that way that heightens/deepens the perception of the real, makes you look twice or more at the image to soak it all in!. also, I love what you've done with the necklace!. It looks like a sort of turtle crawling along!. At first I thought it might have been better to show the heart for what it is---a heart---but then I realized that would probably have detracted from the "creaturely" image you'd given the necklace!. also, not showing the heart to be a heart gives the pendant just a bit of mystery!.

Still, it's a shame that something on the lens (or a strange reflection!?) caused that blotch in the middle of the picture!. Maybe if you were to fiddle around you could diminish it or get rid of it entirely!. So, if you're comfortable with that one technical glitch and think your teacher won't completely rake you over the coals in front of everyone for doing it, then I'd take that one in!. It really shows some originality and a good eye!.

All the best to you! And, to develop that eye, keep looking at as much professional and classic photography as you can! (Watching certain films can help, too, esp!. those outside the Hollywood system!. Look for cinematographers who were trained in Europe!)

Take care,

I think the first image is your best!. It is nice, in focus, and has some good composition!. It's not amazing, but it was interesting to look at!.

The other images were blurred, probably due to camera shake!. Camera shake ruins images, so even though a few had good composition, they were ruined by camera shake!. Try using a tripod, or a faster shutter speed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The water droplets on the leaf is nice!. Nothing too outstanding but a nice starting point in photography!. With your necklace, there's too much camera shake!. Crank up the ISO a few stops so that you don't have to use 1/20 for the shutter speed!. Either that or find a brighter spot, maybe in front of a window!. No flash though, please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like #6 the best!. Check this out: http://photography-on-the!.net/forum/show!.!.!.
If you use something like this for your jewelry you'll see a big difference!. Search for "homemade lightbox" for more ideas like this!. Keep the room light low when shooting into the box to avoid reflections in the jewelry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pictures you took were great, the eye made me laugh, and the leaf was beautiful!. I like pic #4 best because when I look at it, I see immediately what I'm supposed to with no distraction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think i've been looking at your work some,!.!.!.and yes you are improving, #4 is the best shot of the jewelry!. i also like #1 dew on leaves, you edit is very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. 4 is the best although you could have added a little contrast and sharpness to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

of the last three #4 has the best focus!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like them, they are really good!!! i pick #4Www@QuestionHome@Com