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Question: Need pictures photoshopped!!?
I REALLY need someone to help me!!
I need about 3-6 pictures photoshopped BIG TIME by like, tomorrow!. They are for this contest im entering, and I am seriously desperate!.
Its nothing crazy or complicated!! All I need is: any blemishes removed, teeth whitened!.!.!. thats about it!. Oh, also someone photoshopped my pictures for me a long time ago, and he put this filter on my skin and it made my skin look perfect (no shadows or dark spots, that kind of thing)!. Thats IT!! Im not talking complicated stuff here!
If someone can PLEASE help me, I would really appreciate it! also, if its possible I will give you ALL my points!. I dont really know how the points system works!.!.!. but if its possible, I will! Im just really running out of time!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I have no shoots today and I'm bored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha you can't give points I'm pretty sure!. I will help you out if you want!. If you don't like what I do, no big deal, you can ask someone else!. I have touched up quite a few pictures before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The work you are asking for isn't complicated but I really hate when people wait until the last minute then ask others to do their work for them!.!.!.

It's a contest!.!.!.!. be a contestant and do it yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll help you! :]

You can email them to mee!.






They have this thing on photobucket!.com it's really like p hotoshope only free it's www!.fotoflexer!.com it's really easy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Send them to my email!.


I promise you will like them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com