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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What could I have done to make this a better photo?

Question: What could I have done to make this a better photo!?
It's only on the Macro setting on my camera!.!.!. I'm just starting to learn about photography, and I like this picture!.!.!. but it feels like it's missing something!. Is it too dark!? Bad composition!? Bad crop!? I don't know!. Please help!


Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are on the right path!.

In this case you need to be very aware of your composition!. When you change the dynamics of the frame it affects the composition!. Remember the frame is PART of the composition!. In this case you have two very long edges and you also have another long line that splits the picture in 1/2!. This is just too strong of a dynamic to ever overcome!.

So using the same subject and lets say you purposely wanted a long picture, you could have the log shot at an angle that would cross both sides!. Now you would have more flow to the picture!.

Here is one of the most important lessons!. Make your Negative space interesting!. If that is interesting then the rest of the picture will fall in placeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see anything wrong with it technically!. Yes, a little more light could help, but even that is not really necessary!. The subject matter is not real interesting, and the composition could be better, but it appears you have the knowledge to use the macro, and that is what is really important!. Look for more interesting, colorful subjects and work on your composition!.

Remember, when using a macro setting or lens, you will have a VERY shallow depth of field!. You will only have a very small part of the photo in focus, and there will be blur in the near and far area of the photo!. A tripod usually always makes for better macro shots!.


The crop is the biggest problem, too long and skinny!. It would be hard to make a "normal" size print of it!. I think I would lose the top third and a bit from the bottom, say just below the bark that is sticking out!. That would give it more normal dimensions and focus on the most interesting parts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Joy

Cut half the top off and use the bottom half!.!.!.!. Rotate it at 15 deg!. and it will add a new dimentions to it!.!.

As for the rest, it's ok!. Fool around with the effects in photoshop!. Whi knows, you might come up with something nice !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it a lot!. Short focus is great, the dimensions of the photo are great!. Textures lovely!. It reminded me of a flute as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

off center, really no point to the picture - why would anyone want to save the picture for later viewing!? there is no reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i see noting wrong with the photo!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

looks to me like you just got to close when taking it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com