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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do photos taken on my cell phone have black lines through them when I am tak

Question: Why do photos taken on my cell phone have black lines through them when I am taking a pic!. of my t!.v!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's got to with the "refresh-rate", which is the number of times per second that the picture is redrawn on the screen by the television!.!.!. this is the same reason that videos of computer screens seem to flicker - the differences in refresh rates between the video camera and the tv screen are slightly out of syncWww@QuestionHome@Com

this does not only happen to phone cameras but to other digital recording mediums when taking a picture or clip of a t!.v!.
the resolution of the t!.v or pc monitor exceeds that of the photographic equipment so that it can only capture a certain no!. of frames per second when compared to the higher the higher no!. of frames per second generated by your t!.v!. so it captures a point when the frames are changing (the black lines) or a hopping image (think about pc' s on standard recording equipment)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although a TV picture appears to be continuous to the human eye, the picture is actually made up of scanned lines!. If the camera exposure is too short to capture the completed scan on screen black lines or bars will appear in your photo, an exposure time of more than a 1/30 of a second is required to capture the complete scan!. Try using a Night Time Mode without flash if that option is available on your camera phone or if you have a proper digital camera try the tips found here - http://www!.oreilly!.com/catalog/digphotoh!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

on a camera, i use 100iso,F8 @ 1/8th second and record perfect captures from comuter screens or TV screens

you phone is shooting the image to at a speed not 1/8th of a second and hence is recording the refresh of the screen


Those are called blanking lines and are a result of the scanning process that TV's use!. The TV has a frame frequency of 1/30 of a second and your camera is either faster than that or slower than that, so it's not sync'd up to the TV scanning rate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your TV has a refresh line that you cannot see with your naked eye!. you can see it through the camera though!.=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a great question I have wondered that myselfWww@QuestionHome@Com