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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What to consider in having a trade show display?

Question: What to consider in having a trade show display!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
as I was facing the same problem as yours I was very happy that Stockbridge Consultants was there for me, they give me things that I want while setting up my product display!. You should visit them also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be helpful to know what you're displaying because that might change certain needs that you may have!?

For instance, do you need electricity!? - you'd have to plan ahead and make sure that you have that - it's not necessarily provided in all areas!. As well as having the right voltage etc!.

I think that it's always a good idea to get a look at the lay-out of the room and select which area that you think is best!.

Are you selling something that is similar to someone elses table!? Then you might want to appear first!?

Is it something that you want to attain personal info!. from the potential clients - than you might want to be in a more private area or use a partition for that purpose!.

Look busy, not bored - there's nothing worse than having one or two sales persons watching your every move!. It's not inviting to passerbys and they will not remain long under those circumstance!.

Look busy, be friendly and engage the customer in conversation!.

People seem to be drawn to livlier settings!. If it looks like there's a buzz around a particular booth, this will draw more attention!. This applies to garage sales, stores etc!. Have you ever noticed how quickly people will stop when they see something that is attracting a crowd!?

Interactive things are a good drawing card!.

Have lots of business cards available!.

Attach your pens to the table or they will disappear!.

If you're selling, bring your vendors permit and display it!.

Bring more than one person or arrange with someone to have break times!.

Make sure that your company or whatever you're featuring has a back-drop with the name or caption displayed in large letters, that are easily seen!.

Bring lots of change, if you're selling!.

Keep the booth tidy!.

Be polite and watch your language when you're at the booth!. I'm shocked to see how many people, in those situations will use bad language because they think no one's listening!. There's almost always someone within ear shot and it's a big turn off to hear that - very un-professional!.

Be friendly and smile!

If you're giving out pamphlets, try and pre-qualify them to see if there is an interest first - because a lot of people will throw them out in the next garbage can and fliers are expensive!.

Wear comfortable shoes because it's a long day and first and foremost, you need to be comfortable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a number of questions:
1!. WIIFM What's in it for me!?
2!. Does the investment in the total cost of participating meet my advertising dollars!?
3!. Is the time spent attending the trade show costed into the total cost of participating!?
4!. Although a guesstimate, what extra business will I potentially get from my participation!?
5!. Set a specific number of new customers and new business I will require to recoup the cost outlay of participating!?
Ensure any enquiries made at the trade show are followed up quickly!.!.!.!.!. the longer the delay, the more the potential that a competitor has got under your radar!.
Hope these points are helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com