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Question: How to cover parts while Painting!?
I'm trying to paint the monitor black, because I got some paint on it by accident!.

Since I'm repainting the whole border/back/bottom, and since I am spray painting!.!. I was wondering what the best way to protect the LCD screen itself would be!.

Someone suggested masking tape, but would masking tape ruin the screen!? and what's a better way to get a sure tight protection on the edges, because I don't want to accidentally get some paint on the LCD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
what you would use is the blue painters tapeWww@QuestionHome@Com

The most fool proof way would be take the display apart, but since I'm sure you already thought of that and don't want to go through the hassle, I'll tell you how I would go about it!.

Tape, especially masking tape on the screen can be bad!. It can leave residue and pull at the screen when you remove it!.

If your monitor is anything like mine, chances are you can slide a piece of paper just 1/4" or so inbetween the screen and the display front!. I would cut 4 strips of cardstock, slide them into the channel on all sides (trim excess)!. Then take a larger sheet of paper to cover up the middle of the display -- now you can use tape to stick the larger sheet to the strips!. The sheets should stay in place now and you won't even need to put tape on your display!.

Spray paint lightly, a primer first will help the paint stick!. Do not let the spray build up thick, use continuous spray motions !. Be patient!. Keep your hands moving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try putting some big tracing papers to cover the screen!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try to use plastic food wrapWww@QuestionHome@Com