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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Need advice on removing lens shade stuck on large format camera lens.?

Question: Need advice on removing lens shade stuck on large format camera lens!.!?
I have a Mamiya RB67 90mm lens with a screw on lens hood that has been screwed on so tight that the whole front lens assembly starts to unscrew when I try to remove it!. Any suggestions on how to loosen it!?

I bought the lens used and the hood was attached when I got it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can try using a filter wrench, cheap and readily available, they should be able to hold the front element mount steady whilst you turn the lens hood!.


This is the type of thing I mean, that's all the camera repair shops will use!.


Actually, An RB67 is a medium format camera!.!.!. pedantic, I!? :-)

Yah, so if you aren't comfortable with the operation (most people shouldn't be), bring it to a local camera shop that does repairs!. It won't be a big cost!. I'm not familiar with that lens specifically!. some of these are quite complex, and you don't want to loose bits, get dirt or fingerprints inside, etc!.

OR, if you don't have a need to remove it!.!.!. don't sweat it!. I seldom remove my hoods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take it to a real camera store and they should be able to remove it!. They have a special tool to hold the metal ring around the front element so it won't turn as they remove the hood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would take it to your nearest camera specialist store and ask them to remove it for you, if they cant by hand they may have to cut some plastic, also it might help if you put it in the fridgeWww@QuestionHome@Com

is "pedantic" the right word!? I don't think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com