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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What are the possible hazzards of shooting in the RAW ??

Question: What are the possible hazzards of shooting in the RAW !?!?
And what are the advantages !?

Both serious answers and stupid ones are encouraged :o)

Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well so many of the hazzards have been covered, so here's an advantage!.!.!.!.if you have light complection then you won't need to carry a reflector with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi! I tend to shoot in RAW so that when I open the image in photoshop, I have the ability to manipulate the actual file, instead of just adding editing effects like layer masks on top of an image!. I think that the file size also give so much more to work with and they look so incredible printed! Hazards definitely include running out of disk space on your card!. I think that is the only bad thing about having a large file size to shoot at!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when outside!.
mosquito bites, ticks, leaches, bee stings and other creepy crawlied that attack in akward places
sun burn where you are not supposed to get sunburned!.
Sand getting where it's not supposed to go
arrests for indescent exposure!.
and so on and so forth
people walking in on things they ain't supposed to see
Forgetting to close the drapes and your neighbours looking in on what they ain't supposed to see!.
getting certain bodily fluids in places they ain't supposed to go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, stupid answers always make me look up and laugh!.!.!.!.!.so here goes!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.shooting in the raw<!.!.!.there is always the possibility of the "dull ricochette" which might be avoided by a pair of jeans,!.!.!.!.!.then there is the chance of reciever "sliver" in which case jeans wont help anyway but it would sure be hard to explain in the emergency room,!.!.!.!.then there is the always present chance of powder burn,!.!.!.!.Now, being a person who has accidentally shot himself twice in the head within 15 minutes with a 380 caliber weapon via ricochette!.!.!.!.!.!.and upon the same spot on the head,!.!.!.I can say, I'm glad it was'nt somewhere else in the lower regions cuz it sure would have hurt worse!.!.I seldom shoot any weapon anymore, with exception to my mouth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I shoot many in the Raw as you say but nothing is ever exposed!. Photography is an art left for the imagination to explore!.
I'm all for it when it is done with taste like a nice glass of wine held by a half naked person but not revealing anything but 'what if'Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may be more susceptible to PTDs (photographically transmitted disease) without that layer of protection clothing provides!. What if you are looking through the viewfinder and inadvertently see someone taking a camera-phone picture of herself!? Or worse, glance at your monitor where you left that "Kan i b a model <3 !?" question picture up!. The next thing you know, there you are in front of the mirror pouting your lips and thinking how dreamy they will be in selective color!.
If you do it, be safe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even though it is correct usage in this context, Yahoo! censorship will not let me post this term spelled correctly, so I am going to intentionally misspell it and see if it gets through!.

My answer!.!.!.

It gives a whole new meaning to the idea of "kokking the shutter!."

Or!.!.!. and not too many people will REALLY get this one, but I know you will!.!.!.

You can keep a spare lens in your fanny pack!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, If you are overweight someone might shoot you to make America a more beautiful place to live!. You might also get body bruises from the recoil!. The real danger is you might make a bear horny!. Plus all the other hunters will stalk you just to watch!. The advantage is if you miss no one will notice!. 8~)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you might get arrested for indecent exposure!. Or you might get laughed at!. Or both!.

You risk getting a sunburn on very sensitive areas!.

If you mistake a poison iby leaf for a fig leaf you'll be sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humour is not allowed on yahoo answers!

Disadvantage: you will get cold

Advantage: you will meet lots of new friends!.


itchy bites in uncomfortable places and a recurance of that pic from ebay with the naked guy in the mirror would be a couple of drawbacks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could get a bug bite in an unlikely spot butt you could also get lucky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Advantage: easy editing, doesn't lose info

Disadvantage: takes up a lot of space on memory card!.!.!. better carry an extra!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Up half the night with a tub of ice cream while Adobe Lightroom updates the metadata!!!!!!!!

But now it's faster since I have Quad Core with 4 GB of RAM!. :-)

I guess that could be either good or bad!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it is a nippy day,you could possibly have something sticking out enough to get pinched in the shutter!! jk!! lol!! And I am very sorry if I offended anyone!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Biggest problem I can visualize is that it might expose my shortcomings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

uuuuuhhhhh !.!.!.

Overexposure, of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

poison ivyWww@QuestionHome@Com

The RAW format is a fantastic thing!.

When you shoot a picture, a lot of things happen inside your camera to create the image that is recorded on your memory card!.

If you shoot in RAW, the information that is saved to your memory card is exactly what the sensor records!. That sounds a bit confusing, but it's not that complicated!.

All digital cameras shoot RAW, but most (point and shoots in particular) don't let you save the image as RAW!. Cameras shooting JPEG always do some amount of post processing and converting before saving it to your memory card!.

When you shoot JPEG, the camera takes the RAW image, applies the white balance algorithm that you selected (or selects what it thinks is right if it's on auto WB), adjusts sharpening and contrast to your selected settings, then compresses and converts the image to JPEG!.

If you shoot RAW, the camera skips those steps and just records the raw data!. You cannot view RAW images on a computer without software to interpret the raw data, and thus, create a viewable image!. This software usually comes with the camera if the camera is able to shoot RAW!.

Shooting in RAW allows greater control over all areas of post processing!. I love shooting in RAW mostly because it allows me recover highlights that would normally be lost in a JPEG shot!. When RAW files are saved as JPEG files the extreme highlight and shadow information is lost!. If you take two identical pictures that includes both extreme highlights and shadows, save one file as RAW and one file as a JPEG, you can recover the very fine detail still in the highlights that's "compressed" out of the JPEG!. This is the main reason I shoot RAW!.

It also lets me adjust the white balance of an image without degrading its quality!. If you take a picture under sunny skies and accidentally leave the camera on the incandescent white balance setting, you will end up with a blue image!. If you shot the image in RAW, you can go back later and fix it without degrading the quality at all!. If you shot JPEG, you can attempt to fix it, but it won't be pretty!. The image would turn out looking extremely, well, wrong!. RAW also allows for color cast removal (Like if you take a picture of someone who's under a tree on a sunny day and their face appears slightly green)!. You can get rid of color cast with JPEGs too because the color change isn't that radical, but it works better with RAW!.

JPEG has its place in my regimen, but never when shooting portraits!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com