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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do i draw a hand?

Question: How do i draw a hand!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well, it depends on what kind of hand you are wanting to draw!.!.!.fat, skinny, knobby, large, small, old, child's!? well, here's how i learned!.
i drew a fat oval for the palm, then slowly make fingers on the top!. just make them look like!.!.!.like tiny hot dogs!. after the fingers are done, you go back and draw the visible bones on the fingers!. (like the knuckles and stuff!.) erase all of the excess lines, and start to mold the oval palm into what your palm looks like!.
when i started drawing, i started with anime!. after i got all of the easy curves down, i was able to step out of anime and work on real life ppl!. try buying some books and copy those pictures for a while!. i mean, don't trace them, look back and forth between your paper and the book!. then, eventually you will be able to freestyle!.
good luck! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The basic structure of a hand is a rough square shape, just add lines for fingers!. Now that you'd have the basic structure of the hand, you can draw the skin around it using your own hand as a guide!. Then just add the details, like wrinkles and fingernails!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First lightly draw the hand as if it were in a mitten to get the overall shape and angles!. Then add the lines and shadows of the fingers and details!. After the fingers are separated, you can erase the mitten line/s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Draw what you see when you put your hand on the table!.!.!. I use my hand as a model, and I simply draw what I see, not necessarily what is thought of as a hand!.!.!.!. Hands are not that easy to draw, so be forewarned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try these websites!. You can also look at figure drawing books at a bookstore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com