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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Rate my photos, constructive criticism welcome! What do you think?

Question: Rate my photos, constructive criticism welcome! What do you think!?
What do you think of my pictures!? Do I have talent or do I suck!? How can I improve and what do I keep doing!? And I know they're not artistic, it's more photo journalism, but that's what I want to do!.!.!.






And these two, believe it or not I HAVE NOT edited, it's just how my camera took it, and he really was that vibrant



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your bird images are great but could be improved by better cropping on #7 and watching blown out backgrounds on #6!. That flowers focus is really too soft and the dogs nose is too soft on # 5, but 1 & 4 are excellent!.

So yes, you have talent, but it does need to be developed a bit more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must be Australian =) I love the pictures of the little blue heeler!. I think these are the strongest in your set!. I like the way you've framed your shots but if you can i'd give it a bit more contrast!.

The Kookaburra is good but maybe next time try different way s of cropping the image, possibly just taking a close up of certain features!.

The coloured rose is stronger than your black and white because you've lost some detail in converting it!. The petals need to have more contrast!. If you've got photoshop you can burn in the details with a soft edged brush (using the dodge and burn tool)

As for your rosella pictures, they look good to but I think your fill in flash could benefit from being a little bit more subtle!.

Overall you've done a great job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i only looked at the 1st and i think it is really great and beautiful!.!.!.!.!.keep up the good work!

if you want to email pics to each other and compare style and techniques please email me on angels4557@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

oh, ******!!! i wish i was that good at photography!! the first lot are reeaaaaallly good!! im not sure about the last 2 tho!.!.the last one looks fake!.!.!.even if it isnt!.!.!.but omg the first lot - yes- you have talent!. i envy you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know basically squat about photography, but they look good to me!. Very vibrant and colorful!. They're a heck of a lot better than what I could do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm no authority,but i reckon they are really cool photo'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

Woah the blue on the kookaburra looks coolWww@QuestionHome@Com

interesting pictures, good job!. i hope you can find these comments helpful!. the first photo, i like it, but i think the angle could have made a big difference in the outcome!. see how the bird is sitting parallel to the tree!? it seems liek the bird is blending in with the tree (if you understand that cool, if not, sorry!.!.xD) creating a contrast between the tree and the bird would bring more focus to the bird!. i'm split on the b&w rose photo!. i like that its simple but again, i think the angle could be better!. i feel like im staring at the bottom couple of petals!. also, the contrast (b&w) shoudl be greater!. at the moment, the whole picture looks like one blur!. i like the colored version more!. the dog ones are relaxing and candid!. i think theyre good!. and for the blindingly bright bird, i think the first one is too busy!. because the bird has a lot of green, and it's sitting in front of a lot of green leaves, there is a sense of business!. overall picture is too bright!. consider editing the picture so that the background is a little dimmer, especially the sky!. see if it looks better if you blur the leaves on the left side a little too!. i think this will soften the picture so its not like screaming bright colors!. the second one has great focus, background, but again, since the bird is so bright, the sky is overwhelming!. it almost looks like its green screened!. see if you can take the focus away from the sky!.