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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the classical appropriate anniversary gift for 11 years (i.e. glass, woo

Question: What is the classical appropriate anniversary gift for 11 years (i!.e!. glass, wood, paper, etc!.) of marriage!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here you go you will never need to wonder again [:-)
First the year then traditional and then modern
years traditional modern
1 paper clocks
2 cotton china
3 leather crystal/glass
4 fruit/flowers appliances
5 wood silverware
6 sugar/iron wood
7 wool/copper desk set
8 bronze/pottery linen/lace
9 willow leather
10 tin/aluminium diamond jewellery
11 steel fashion jewellery
12 silk/linen pearls
13 lace textiles
14 ivory gold jewellery
15 crystal watches
- silverware
17 - furniture
18 - porcelain
19 - bronze
20 china platinum
21 - brass
22 - copper
23 - silverplate
24 - musical instruments
25 silver silver
26 - original art
27 - sculpture
28 - orchids
29 - furniture
30 pearl diamond
31 - timepieces
32 - conveyances
33 - amethyst
34 - opal
35 coral jade
36 - bone china
37 - alabaster
38 - tourmaline
39 - lace
40 ruby ruby
41 - land
42 - improved real estate
43 - travel
44 - groceries
45 sapphire sapphire
50 gold gold
55 emerald emerald
60 diamond diamond
65 blue sapphire star sapphire, grey
70 platinum
80 diamond, pearl
85 diamond, sapphire
90 diamond, emerald
95 diamond, ruby
100 diamond
hope that helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

You can get them an oil painting which combines their wedding photo and a recent photo of them!.
You can see some samples of such paintings by visiting this

This custom oil painting from photo is a very special anniversary gift for any couple, since it symbolizes the beautiful time they spent together from the day they were married until today!.

Hope this idea helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The classical and traditional gift is steel!.

The modern one is jewelry if you did not fancy buying a gift made from steel!Www@QuestionHome@Com
