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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think of my photography website/business?

Question: What do you think of my photography website/business!?
I started my own photography business! Please keep in mind I made this website only 8 days ago!. I am a photography major, but I've only taken 2 photo classes!. I am wondering what you think of the!.!.!.
1!. Website
2!. Studio name (Emerald Photography!? I chose the name Emerald because it's my birth month)
3!. The images in my gallery


Please be honest but not harsh!.!. Thanks!

Ps!. It would be reeeeally cool if "fhotoace" would take a look! Or any other professional photographers!.!.!. Like that North Coast Photo guy!. Thanks again!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alright here goes!. I am a professional photographer and web designer based out Arizona and have been doing this I would say about 6 years!.

1!. In designing your website make sure you use the very best of your work!. Don't post anything you don't think is your best work, We all have flaws in our work, especially when working!. Consumers tend to look at this, if they are going to pay the price they want the best!.

Don't use site templates!. Being a student it is very easy to find people who are majoring in web development who will do work for cheap if not for trade!. When developing it, make sure the site is easy to navigate!.

2!. The name is good if it has meaning to you, the domain name is a little long for my liking!.

3!. The images are good and not so good for different reasons!.

The images do achieve bringing out great expression in your subjects!. The choice of locations are good, posing is decent and will get better with practice!. Considering you have only taken two classes it's nothing to worry about and honestly you'll get more in practice on your own than in a class!.

The one thing I do not like with your senior portraits is lack of "pop" in the color!. There are several ways on improving this from learning how to use light better, to simple adjustments in photoshop!. The eyes of each individual lacks any color and all, eyes are the key to so much so I would work on this!.

This is all based on my own work and success, small things go a long way and each of us have those different ways of doing things!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You started your own photography business after two photo classes !?!?!?!?

Why does that not surprise me!? It seems like there are a lot of people around with more confidence than talent, and conversely a lot of talented people around that lack confidence!.

I would say that your lack of experience would not inspire confidence in a prospective client!.

Why not learn the subject first, then set up the temple to your genius !?!?!?!? Doing it the other way around seems a bit silly don't you think !?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

One thing that i would do is not have to go clicking thru links ,because most people won't do that just to seem someones photography , and it takes time to navigate around , and where's your homepage !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I put your address in (there's no link, just your address) & got two choices, both going back to questions on Yahoo! You might want to check it out!.!.!.
I'm really curious to see what you've got, lol! You're doing something I always wished I would have done!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know it's funny, when people ask for a critique, then tell me how to critique it, I tend to not answer them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Website is horrible!.!.!.Don;t be insulted!. If you want me to lie than I will but prefer giving you the bad!.
You already know the good in you!.

The pics are so so except for 2 or 3 at the most!. The composition, cropping are good!. But that is not what photography is about!.
Remember one thing and one thing only!. 'SPUR OF THE MOMENT ATTITUDE'

Take less photos and be more picky!. Do you kike them !? Truthfully!.!.!. There is your answer !.!. !!! Work on the lighting and contrast!. Use props!.!.!.Are you afraid to add some !?

The camera is an extension of your eye!. When I photoshoot models, I dont waste time by telling them do this and do that or whatever!. They move, turn, spin, give me their back etc!.!.!.!.The photogrpaher has to keep shooting non-stop!. When i look at the shoot, I my have 20 shots of the face as she is fixing her hair but one stands out!.

The studio name is good but drop the word photography!. We know that already!. Wouldn't it be nice to just say 'Emerald'!.!.!.more personal !!!!

!.!.!.or 'Emerald's Studio' just ideas !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com