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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I print the same image many times on the same page?

Question: How can I print the same image many times on the same page!?
If you are familar with the Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe/Campells Soup!.
I have a !.png image and want to fill a piece of A4 --can I do this using a standard MS Office application!?
Or do I need to get some specialist software!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In that or any other application, just insert (place, import, etc) that same image multiple times and scale them untill you have filled the page to your satisfaction!.

Page layout applications, like InDesign allow you to do this in one step by placing multiples of the same object, but as long as you don't mind repeating a few steps, you can do it in several of the "Office" applications!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no you can just do it on microsoft office, however it is better if you download a free application called picza!. You can put your photos on it then set it to full page and it fills it all up with no gap!. doing it of something like publisher or word is very complex and complicated!. so it's easier to do it this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about inserting a table then copy/paste in each section then edit borders and shading and take out the lines!.

Hope it helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you can do this in Photoshop -Www@QuestionHome@Com