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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How would my photo be made better?

Question: How would my photo be made better!?

It looks a little dark to me but it was early morning when I took it!. Is it pretty!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
your EXIF data shows a slight underexposure - about 1/2 stop!.

also - you used flash!. That probably skewed the white balance!.

I did a quick fix (auto color) in Photoshop and it looked more normal!.

But - hey, I grew up not far from the Tennessee River (Knoxville) so i remember those foggy mornings!. The sun's light did have a very warm effect - especially near the river - at this time of year!. So your image isn't far off!.

In fact - It's great! Makes me kinda homesick !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a fellow photographer, there's nothing as good as being in the right place at the precise right time!. It's very pretty!. If you think it's too dark, you can lighten it a bit with a photoshop type program!. I do that all the time with mine!. Makes my flowers really crisp and pretty!. Sometimes it makes it worse though, so you have to play with a digital copy of the image so you can go back to the original if you screw it up! : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was going to say it could only look better with you standing there like Scarlett O'hara with your kitties! (Well, I was "going to" & I guess I DID, lol) It's a gorgeous picture, if I were going to change anything (besides you & the kits being in it) I agree with Perki88, maybe crop that bottom strip off!? And my MOM grew up there, near Knoxville in a tiny town called Parsons! Small world, huh!?
***And to the poster (Jim M!?) with the pics on Flickr!.!.!.
amazing! How long did you have to spy on those two (hopefully consenting adult) anoles before they started their party!?! Isn't that illegal!?
> ^ , , ^ <

***EDIT: You know PK, I enjoy trying my hand at photography as well, & this shot reminds me of a place (Portola Valley) next to Hwy 280 on the way to S!.F!. CA, where the fog settles & nests inbetween the hills & trees!. I used to drive it every weekend & kick myself for not putting a camera in my car to catch it! Now you've given me the incentive to drive up some morning to capture it! (And no wonder you're so good, look at all the beautiful models you have to choose from, lol!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I think this is an excellent shot!Very pastel and subdued,it has the effect of calming me,serene,comforting ,are some of the thoughts that popped into my mind as I looked at your shot!.Contrary to what other people may think,not EVERY shot has to be tack sharp or saturated with color(although you have managed to capture a great deal of color)!.Excellent job,it is something I would purchase to hang on my wall!.Keep up the great work!I WOULD NOT alter this image at all!It's fine and can stand on it's own merits just as it is!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not bad- but you need a little more contrast!.

I assume it's a digital camera!? Adjust the levels, and color balance (reduce yellow a smidge)!.

Maybe open up the apature a bit next time where taking a photograph in that light type next time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the shot is lovely and the colors subtle!. In my opinion, it does need some cropping!. Crop the bottom off just below the rock by the tree and crop the right side just before the bush ends and you'll have a stronger composition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Paste it into WORD if you don't have photoshop and brighten it!.

I did it for you so you can see!.


It enhances the color!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it's beautiful, you can tell it's early morning and i think that makes it betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

The only way that photo could be improved upon were if Allie were sitting and smiling into the camera, too!.
* hugs *
That is a beautiful shot !.!.!.!. :)))Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it looks fine as is!. Good job! I think if you modify it you be stealing from the natural look and feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's pretty!. if you wanna make it better get photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great job , i really like it , it's nice and peaceful:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is already goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's perfect!Www@QuestionHome@Com