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Question: DSLR ideas!?
Hey all, so I went to my local photo store to check out their cameras and I was given a few ideas and I need you guys help to choose!.

Nikon D40 + macro and fisheye (6!.1 mp doesn't quite cut it, but I would save $ and get a few lenses)

Nikon D80 + macro or fisheye (10!.2 mp is a plus but it lacks the fps burst)

Nikon D200 + no lenses (great camera but pushing $ and no extra lenses)

EOS 30D + macro or fisheye (8!.2 mp : / unsure about it)

EOS 40D + no lenses (10!.1 mp is great and I like the sensor cleaning and dust removal but it is really pushing budget)

Thanks so much for your help and do you think this offer is a hoax or is it believable!? It seems to good to be true!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sonic Cameras are scam artists: here's a review (customer satisfaction is about 2 points out of a possible 10) with 70+ horror stories from previous customers: http://www!.resellerratings!.com/store/Son!.!.!.

Compare prices at the following reliable places:

Ans as a general rule, invest in lenses and economize on the body!. I don't know a lot of people that really *need* 5 frames per second for doing macro photography!.

Perhaps just get a body with the kit lens and try that for a while!. You can always add a dedicated macro and a fish-eye later!. These are both specialty lenses that you′d probably only use for 5% of your shots!. Once you get started with the kit lens, you might find that you′d rather get an external flash or a tripod or something else first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

canon rebel xti has the cleanign and is 10 pixels!Www@QuestionHome@Com