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Question: Drawing!?!?!?
okay i love art and everything but im not one to draw like land scapes n things i get bored i like to draw like tribal tattoo designs but they are all very similar so i was wondering if you had pictures of things i oculd draw or ideas i like look,ing at pictures then doing my own thing with it but if you dont have a picture thats coolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The thing when drawing, is just that, just draw, draw and draw!. It was easy for me to discover what I like to draw!. I like animals, wildlife, landscape, cartoons, abstract art, some forms of pop art and that's about it!.

What are your likes or dislikes!? When you look at things, what do you like!? Draw those for starters!. At first I liked trees, I never had problems drawing them, and they improved through time and practice!.

Depending on your age, and your interest in art maybe not what you expected, maybe you like music instead, or another form of art!. Does art have to be drawing!? I don't think it does, there's pottery, macrimae, (the yarn or string stuff to make braided ropes for plants!.), painting, sculpture, airbrushing, woodcrafts, relief printing, carving, stain glass, you name it and its out there for you!.

Watercolor pencils can be used, if laid out on a table and with a container of water near by, you dip the brush in the water and touch the tips of the pencils!. You don't need that much color when illustrating!.

I like dipping the tip in the water, this creates a darker effect when coloring something!. You can also color real good and fill your areas in and the paint over the areas with a wet brush!. depending on if you want more color or not, you can remove the paint with the brush!.

Practice and have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

go to google and set it for "images" and do searches on things like: airbrush, carcoal, pencil, sketch, tattoo, paint job, painting, drawing, t-shirts, skateboards, stickers, etc!. You will find enough links and pictures to keep you busy a life time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com