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Question: Film slr cameras film etc!?
by using a 135mm film in a slr camera then scanning at high resolution the negatives would this produce good images comparable to high mega pixel ones!. also what iso film speed do u suggest for daytime slow moving to still objectives

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A well taken 35mm image can be scanned and be comparable to up to 30-40megapixels!. that's better than all but the highest performance digital backs for professionals!.
Many pro-art photogs still shoot film for this reason!.

Film is more expensive (you need to pay some one to scan it) but not if you don't take too many pictures!.

Reasonable results can be had with a flatbed scanner with a transparency adapter, tho not as good as professional scan!.

Film (except for slide film) has a greater exposure latitude (or dynamic range), so it's more forgiving from a 'goofed exposure' perspective, and will show more details from highs to lows (bright to dark)!. Digitals have a limited dyn range, similar to slide film!.

Try a bunch of different film, and see what you like!. There is no 'better' in photography!.!.!. only different!.
Have fun, and keep clicking!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most particular photographers are using this method, so the short answer is "yes!" The lower the film speed (all other things being equal) the less grain you will have!. I would suggest a film speed of 100 ISO for daytime, still - slow moving subjects (200 ISO should be OK, too)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A high resolution scan of a 35mm neg will net you 8-10 mb of data!.Www@QuestionHome@Com