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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a good photo editor where you can download it for free?

Question: What is a good photo editor where you can download it for free!?
well i want a photo editor like photo shop for free!. so i dont hav tgo go out and buy it or pay for it!. i dont no if photo shop is free or not but im not sure!.

what are some good ones!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Picassa is good - give it a try - you can always uninstall it and try something else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends what you want from the photo editor!. Read on to find out more

Photoshop has a name for its self and has become the industry standard it offers so much but for the most part its limited to working on one image at a time, 99% of people will never use all its functions!.

Most professional photographers are using Adobe Lightroom now for 99% of their work and only use photoshop for odds and ends!. Lightroom allows you to work on hundreds of photos at one time!.

Most keen amatuers go with photoshop elements which is a cut down version of photoshop!. This will allow you to edit enhance and do almost anything you want to create great prints either at home or at a shop!. One of the plus points is that most photography magazines do free cd's with videos on showing you how to do things, which makes it easy to learn and have fun with!. Look on ebay for an slightly older version and you could do well for less than £10-£20!.

In terms of totally free yes Gimp is good, if and its a big if you count your time as free!. it does work very well but it will take you days to get it working properly and even longer to learn!. There is no backup and no help here so you'll be very much on your own with it!.

For a combination of free and easy to use without all the bells and whistles Uleads Photoimpact is often free on the cover of computer magazines!. do a search and i am sure it will turn up!. its similar to photoshop elements runs pretty well and wont take you ages to learn!.

There are some others but I myself havent tried them so i cant make comment!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I vote for picasa but before you actually choose the best photo editor software, pls go thru this great post


I found this only for you :)

Gimp is the best of the free ones!.



the gimp, photofiltre, or picasa!.Www@QuestionHome@Com