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Question: I NEED IDEAS! Most intersting gets 10 points!!?
In my art class, we are doing surrealism!.
I've come up with a few ideas, but nothing that's amazed me!.
Mine: (Which yes, I know are lame!.)

-A city of clouds (Already did that but painted over it)
-A guitarist underwater

Please help me think of ideas!
Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like the city of clouds idea, sounds kinda cool!.

Without telling you exactly what to do, here are some suggestions:

Pick an object, and combine it with something to change it's meaning(i!.e!. a woman/watering can)!. Pick something boring, then make it more interesting!. Maybe an object you connect with!.
Or, look to literature to facilitate some ideas!. Lewis Carrol is really good for surrealism!. Or whomever!. You could base a piece off of Socrates political "Allegory of the Cave" if you felt like it!.

Whatever you feel like, keep in mind that it doesn't have to mean anything to anyone other than you!.

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you had a really vivid dream that made little or no sense!? A lot of surrealism is based in the logic of dreams!. also, use a familiar object or objects but treat them in unfamiliar, illogical ways - change their function, change the color and/or the material with which they're generally made!. Make it vivid but make it not make sense!Www@QuestionHome@Com

your ideas are not lame at all!.!.!. I think the cloud city sounds pretty cool!. Look at images on google for surrealism and I am sure you can think of something with those as an inspiration!.


- Gothic themed stuff, maybe!? (e!.g!.: a black, white, and gray shading of a rainbow!.!.!.)
- A christmas tree WITH INVERTED COLOURS! I think that would be awesome!.!.!.

Good luck finding an idea you like!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com