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Question: Canon 400D Twin Lens Kit - Want a better lens!?
Hi all!.!.I'm not very happy with the quality of the two lenses (18-55 & 75-300) I take photos of sport (mainly lacrosse and wakeboarding) products & cars (at work) and of course family and friends!. I am just wondering what other people have and what I should look at getting!. I am also open to suggestions about external flash, grips etc!.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!. also if anyone has good pointers for me as I am relatively new to photography!.!.!.advice, books i can read, good websites etc!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are these Canon lenses!?

Being a sports photographer, while I use a 400 mm lens that cost over $7,000 it is not because the lenses you mention are inferior!.

Your statement, "I am relatively new to photography" really says it all!.

I had a lot of problems in my first attempts shooting "action" shots using a Leica M3 with 135 mm lens !.!.!. it was not the lens that was the problem !.!.!. I just did not have enough experience to get great images!.

To save a lot of time (missing shots) and money (trying to improve your images by using more expensive lenses), take a class in photography at your local community college!. Your frustration level will drop and you will learn not only from your instructor, but fellow students as well!.

I am reviewing three books right now; "Photographers Lighting Handbook" by Lou Jacobs, Jr!., "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson and "Basic Studio Lighting" by Tony Corbell!. Each would supply with the answers to your questions!.

Usually these books can be found in your local library!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Before going out and buying anything, seriously consider your priorities!. Ask yourself, 'Would an external flash be helpful to me!?' Or, 'Are my shoots so long that I need an optional power grip!?' Doing this will save you a lot of money and regret later on!.

If you shoot a lot of sports, you might consider a better lens, maybe with a faster aperture!. If you shoot a lot of family pictures, you might consider upgrading to a faster wide angle lens so that you won't need to use the flash indoors!. Or maybe even invest your money in a few photography classes to further advance your knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com