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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Would it be a bad idea to blow dry my oil painting?

Question: Would it be a bad idea to blow dry my oil painting!?
i really wanna start working on it again but it takes soo long to dryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you might cause the paint surface to dry too fast and crack it!. Or not!.!.!.you might blow paint all over you and your painting while just trying to dry it a little quicker!.!.!.and there you go again!.!.!.!.you might just dry one part just the way you want!.!.!.!.!.I really am not sure, but quick fixes can lead to unforseen problems, so its the luck of the draw as far as I can tell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some artists do that but yeah it can cause crackings
I've done it a couple of times on my oil paintings, having it on the low option and just drying it a bit and nothing happened but it also did't dry to well so I would't recommend it!

If you want oil paint to try faster the only way is to thin it down with either linseed oil or turpentine I know the turp stinks but it's the best thing to get the paint to dry within only 10 minutesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why not learn to work wet!? Oil with no mediums added is meant to be worked wet!. If you like your paintings to dry fast, check out some of the mediums such as Japan Drier on the market to make it dry faster!. Turning a hair dryer on your painting works better for watercolor, but if you're going to do it on oil, you might wanna try it on the back of the painting as well (that's right, aim the dryer at the canvas on the backside!.)

Have you tried Acrylic!? It dries pretty fast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Blow drying won't really do all that much anyway and it may damage your painting!. There are things you can do to make the oil paint dry more quickly!. There are dryers out there that you can add to your paints!. You also want to paint with "Lean" Paints on your under layers!. Some pigments need more oil added to them to make them workable!. These paints are called "Fat!." Paints that need less oil are "Lean!." They dry much more quickly!. You really should be painting Fat over Lean anyway for archival purposes!.

Here is a good link to explain:


Lean Oil Colors:
Chromium Oxide Green
Cadmium Reds
Venitian Red
Indian Red
Cobalt Violet
Cadmium Yellow

Moderately Lean Oil Colors:
Yellow Ochre
Naples Yellow
Deep Ochre
Mars Violet
Pthalo Blue
Pthalo Green
Ultramarine Blue

You can also use Alkyds, but I don't trust them!. I just paint several paintings at one time so I always have something to work on in between drying!.

Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will not help with drying!. If you are using linseed or stand oil with your painting it only makes it dry slower use liquin or a cobalt dry (japan dryer) visit www!.utrecht!.com its an artsupplie store!.Www@QuestionHome@Com