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Question: Skateboard Photography!?
I got a school report and I can't find a estimated salary for Skateboard Photographers!. All I need is an estimated amount for even Pro!. photographers or even a price per picture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If the report isn't due tomorrow, and you have time to wait for a response, you may want to try contacting one or more of the photographers listed at the site below!. They cover various skateboarding events for skater magazines - professional and amateur!. Shigeo and Burnett, in particular, seem to cover a wide range of events!.


Hmm!. I think it depends on a lot of things!. How often you work, do you work free lance or for a company, where you live!. You can try and go to salary!.com and put in sports photographer and see if something matches!.

You could try calling or emailing some of the big skate magazines or even skateboard manufacturers!.

You'll be suprised how willing some companies are to help out students with stuff like that!. Hit google and find some contact info!Www@QuestionHome@Com