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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I am desperately searching for any and all information about a canadian painter

Question: I am desperately searching for any and all information about a canadian painter by the name of Herbert Pikl!.!?
Recently at a flea market in flamborough my hubby and i purchased 2 of his wildlife prints!. They are dated and signed and also a limited edition !. One is of Loons titled " Northern Echo!. The second print is of Bobcats titled " On the Alert" Both are signed by the artist and numbered!. We are attempting to find the value of these printsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Any art appraiser could help you with this (of course, for a fee, but then the info would be likely to be more accurate than what you figure out on your own &/or from info provided here by us amateurs)!. Lots of things go into value, including rarity, as well as demand!. So I can share this link with you and you can see what Joyner Art Auctions is asking for this work by Herbert Pikl, but there's not a lot that would be relevant to your items, because yours are prints, and this is an oil painting!. Maybe a call to Joyner would give you more than what's out on the Web, which is just this info below!. There is a pulldown on their web site for appraisals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is also listed on AskArt!.com, which carries information on lots of artists and the worth of their work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com