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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where do photographers have a tough time getting a job/???

Question: Where do photographers have a tough time getting a job/!?!?!?
im talking in general

dont say that one who takes pictures of buildingswould have a tough time taking a picture in the wilderness!.!.idk stuff like that

are there specific places where photographers would have a tough job!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Honestly, I'm not very clear on what you are asking!.

Do you mean where geographically or where as in genre!?

As far as location goes, you are going to have to do the research for that area!. Some places demand fashion photographers and other areas don't need them at all!. As far as nature photography goes, you really have to have the connections needed to access some beautiful places or have lots of public places available to go to!. You also usually travel in that job!. So if that isn't an option, then obviously you'd have a tough time with that particular job!.

It also depends on the individual photographer!. In photography, networking is a huge asset!. Without it, many individuals who can take stunning pictures never actually find work!. also, without the technical skills, you might get a few good shots, but you will never be consistent in your work!.

Photography in general is a tough market because everyone owns a camera!. Just because you can point and shoot a camera does not make you a professional photographer!. There are just too many people for this particular job!. Most areas already have an overabundance of really great photographers!. And then there are a huge abundance of chain photography studios if portrait photography is of interest!. These stores can usually cut costs and fees to lower than an individual can, but they also usually provide mediocre photos, so that all goes back to networking!.

Okay, I've rambled on enough to not really know what you are asking!. Hopefully this helped though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photography is a tough business to make money in any market!. To be successful you need more than a camera; you need good business sense and some experience!.

Small towns usually focus on local clients for their business (i!.e!. schools, family portraits, weddings) and seldom get the more glamorous jobs found in the large metropolitan areas!. However, the bigger the city, the more the competition and the more defined you need to be as a photographer!.

There is no easy answer to this!. Like all quality art jobs, you will need time, a very good business plan, and some luck!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably small towns!. I think most professional photographers are in big cities because that is where their clients are (advertising, magazines, etc!.)!. I can't say exactly what places, but small populated places in general!.Www@QuestionHome@Com