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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I need to make cat's eye glasses!!! Do you know a way how?

Question: I need to make cat's eye glasses!!! Do you know a way how!?
I'm doing a play and It's in the 50's!. For my costume i think it would be real cool to have cat's eye glasses, but there's a few problems!.
1!. I already wear regular glasses and I'm not willing to go get prescription glasses for one play!.
2!. the town I live in doesn't sell them anywhere and I'm not allowed to buy off the internet!.
Is there any way to get my glasses to temporarely look like cat's eye glasses!?
These are kinda what I want:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cut out a cardboard frame to look like the glasses you want then attach it to your regular glasses!. Or enlarge the photo you are refering to!. You could even ad glitter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com